Take a probiotic daily. Maintaining a healthy gut has significant impacts on digestion, skin health, immunity, mental health and more. Taking a daily probiotic with a glass of water each morning is one of the simplest things you can do to boost your gut...
Stand up every 30 minutes while working. Reduce the harmful effects of sitting by standing up and moving around for a minute or two every half...
Fill your home with houseplants. Houseplants help to cleanse your indoor air. Research shows they improve mood, creativity and problem...
Keep healthy snacks on hand. Select healthier choices to have on standby in your fridge when hunger pangs or emotional eating strikes, such as a bowl of fresh strawberries or...
Don’t just focus on the scale. Find different ways to measure success other than stepping on the scale. Instead, pay attention to how you feel after you’ve been working out consistently. Think about the long-term health benefits of...