For two days in March 2024, our team attended the Break-Through Workshop with Rob Sperry. We had the opprotunity to hear some amazing speakers.

We have a limited number of special virtual replay seats that we reserved available for $49.95 each. This replay access will include:


  • Access to the recordings of the sessions. Recordings are archived inside Learn 2 Live It for easy access.
  • Exclusive pre-launch access to the latest Learn 2 Live It course bundles: Leave People Better and Faith in Action: 7 Disciplines of Christian Faith (a $200 value). These new course bundles include:
      • Extended video course
      • Companion eBook
      • Companion eHandout
      • Companion eWorkbook
      • 31 Day Implementation Plan

Learn 2 Live It login information will be sent via email separately after payment verification.


2024 is going to be an incredible year, and together we are going to see the impossible happen!

Reserve your tickets here

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Pay for a ticket here

Or send $49.95 per ticket via PayPal to

Links for video replay and course access will be emailed after verification.