Make a list of positive affirmations. Here are a few to get you started: I love to exercise. I want to live a healthy life. My body is getting healthier every day. Ditch comparisons.Don’t compare yourself or your body to others; focus on your own progress...
Ramp it up slowly. If you hate exercise, make incremental changes each week. Aim for a 20-minute workout at first, then increase your...
Start your day with a healthy morning routine. Start each day with fulfilling activities that set the tone for how you want to feel-whether that’s inspired, relaxed, productive, or something...
Sweat every day. Aim to sweat in some way each day-whether that is running, biking, dancing, hot yoga, or any other physical activity you...
Cultivate a positive mindset. The only difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude. Cultivate a positive mindset by recognizing negative thought patterns and countering them with positive thoughts or...
Meditate Stress has a negative effect on your health. It can affect your blood sugar levels, food choices, susceptibility to sickness, weight, fat distribution, and...