Daily Lifestyle

Reduce stress. Stress produces higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which can make you crave sweets and salty foods. Reducing your stress will not only help your mind, but it can also help your...

Daily Lifestyle

    Practice self-love Exercising our ability to love ourselves is just as important as physical exercise. One way you can do this: after each workout, thank your amazing body for being able to do that hard...

Daily Lifestyle

Set realistic and achievable goals. The goals you set for yourself are integral to your overall success in changing your lifestyle. Focus on setting goals that are realistic. Setting realistic goals that you can achieve and then building on them will help you maintain...

Daily Lifestyle

Find a lifestyle buddy. One of the easiest ways to make lifestyle changes is to do it with a partner! Find a buddy that is committed to the process and can keep you accountable. This will help you think of new habits to build, keep you motivated, and give you someone...

Daily Lifestyle

Track progress An easy way of failing to change is by not tracking progress. Tracking progress is crucial to continued success, as it shows you how far you’ve come and where you want to go. Track your progress so you can learn from setbacks, see common trends, and...