Use a standing desk. If you have a desk job, sitting all day hurts your health. Consider a standing workstation. Or, at the very least, stand up or pace when you use the phone. People in constant motion burn more...
Don’t skip more than one workout. Try never to go more than two days in a row without exercise, unless of course, you are injured or ill. This applies to your vacations too! Remember: not all workouts have to be high...
Make fitness a top priority. Put your health goals at the top of your priority list. If you’re constantly taking care of everyone else, you’ll never have time to take care of...
Workout Outside Taking your fitness routine outdoors has additional health benefits. By connecting with mother nature, this fitness tip can improve your mood, your self-esteem, challenges yourself, the change of scenery might even help you stick to the routine and...
Realize diet and exercise are intertwined. Even if we don’t like it, exercise and your diet are married forever. You can’t lose weight with one and not the other— period. There’s no getting around...